Please note - this session has now been rescheduled for this coming week - Thursday 25 July - in the SKOB rooms at TH King scheduled for 4:30 - 6:30pm
The session is to allow a number of our key sponsors to present to players as part of a Financial Health Seminar that will focus on financial health and life skills. The plan is for each sponsor to make a short presentation on a relevant topic and then participate in a panel discussion where players can ask questions from the floor. The intention of this session is to introduce our valued sponsors to the SKOB membership and commence what we hope will be a life long relationship between our players and our key off field partners. We also want to help guide the players, many of whom are still studying, recently graduated or in the first 5 years of their career through the transition from study to career, from living at home with parents to a home of their own, understanding the importance of investing and saving for their own financial future. This is a great opportunity for players of all ages to get this guidance. Parents and supporters are most welcome to join the session.