A ragged bunch of ex-SKOB's (and a few current Masters) have taken out the Byron Bay AFL9s Invitational in the Mellow Masters Division - sounds pretty laid back to me.
The boys went though undefeated and won the Grand Final 6.1 (37) defeating the Pittwater Phantoms 4.3 (27)
Although finding it's roots through a bunch of dads in the East Malvern area a few years back, the Weeping Willows has more than a whiff of SKOB about them with no less than 9 players from the squad of 15 having SKOB pedigree - and the green, gold and blue kit looks very appropriate.
Well done boys and congrats on the Premiership
SKOB players involved were:
Ray Short
Matty Lucas
Nick Trenfield
David Sheehy
Jarrod Travaglia
Michael Giansiracusa
Jesse Seven
Jordan Grigg
Andrew McGuinness