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Michael Pisker update 

Michael has been an in-patient at the Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) rehabilitation Centre at Caulfield Hospital for just over 2 weeks. Michael has received the best care from speech pathologists, dieticians, physiotherapists and occupational therapists. We are so grateful for their professionalism, care and focus to help Michael achieve his goals. Almost six weeks ago we did not know how Michael would recover from the traumatic brain injury. We were told that we would not know the extent of his injuries until he woke from the induced coma and was able to undergo clinical assessment. Michael has exceeded expectations of the Alfred medical teams as well as his family and friends. In the last two weeks, he has shown that he can walk independently, he has passed his assessments in speech pathology to the point where he no longer requires these sessions. Michael can make his own breakfast and lunch. Micheal is also surprising the physiotherapists in the rehab gym, by gradually extending the time that he spends there. All these steps progress Michael towards being independent Michael is overwhelmed with how amazing the support has been. He has begun to reach out to loved ones and is looking forward to reconnecting. He can receive visitors, within the visiting hours allowed at Caulfield Hospital. There are multiple major surgeries to come, including a cranioplasty to return the pieces of his skull that had been removed, and further surgery on his right eye. The Alfred medical team expect that these will happen in the next couple of months and that Michael will then be able to return home where he will continue his rehab with the acquired brain injury community rehab team. Where we thought he would be and where he is now has amazed us all and brought such relief. There is a journey ahead for Michael, but with all the support and love from everyone who has messaged him, donated and sent through their positive wishes, he is committed to do what it takes. Michael is incredibly grateful and would like to thank everyone for their kindness.

Michael Pisker gofundme page 

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